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2024 Summer Internships

Student Supervisor Project
Atlas Changulani Trevor Porter Paleoclimatic Reconstruction of Holocene Temperatures Using Ice-Wedge Data from the Richardson Mountain Foothills
Bridget Hart Mathew Wells Rising Air Temperatures and Slowing Wind Speed Delay Fall Overturn in Lake Simcoe, Ontario
Clara Andrade Marinozzi Sarah Finkelstein Using Phytoliths and Sediment Properties to Explore Links Between Wetland Vegetation and Carbon Storage in Soils of Long Point Coastal Marshes
Demitra Tsoukalas Marty Krkosek Evaluating the Influence of Temperature on Pacific Salmon Population Dynamics
Emile Watanabe Rowan Sage Differences in Enzymatic Activity in C3, C2 and C4 Subtypes Reflect the Pattern of C4 Photosynthesis Evolution
Erin Sauvé Erica Rosenblum Designing Tabletop Experiments to Explore Temperature and Salinity Gradients During Ice Melt
Gabi Diez Shelby Riskin Persistence of Amphibians in Urban Stormwater Management Ponds
Grace Cheng Ingo Ensminger Comparing a Drought Resistance-Related Trait in White Spruce Genotypes from Two Canadian Sites
Jenn Xu Arthur Chan The Atmospherically Relevant Degradation of Ozonated Tire Particle Additives
Jewel Cao Nicolas Grisouard Simulating Internal Tides Using Oceananigans
Kasturi Bhatt Megan Frederickson Experimental Evolution of Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria Under Salt Stress
Kaylie Borntraeger Donald Jackson Acoustic Monitoring and Analysis of Bird Diversity at Urban Stormwater Ponds
Kristen Huang Katherine Siegel Functional Diversity of Tree Species Traits in Western Canada
Magnus Roland Marun Ulrich Wortmann Phosphorus Cycling and Deep Ocean Burial Response to Global Change Using a Coupled PO4-O2 Earth System Box Model
Marty Hewitt Paul Kushner Differences in Variability of Snow Model Ensemble Between Climate Regions
May Jagodkin Chelsea Rochman Brushing Away Microplastics: Ecotoxicological Effects of Architectural and Road Paint on Tubifex tubifex
Mikayla Wozney Rosalind Murray Colonization of Freshwater Invertebrates in Extreme Salinity
Natalie Lim Greg Evans Colonization of Freshwater Invertebrates in Extreme Salinity
Mikayla Wozney Rosalind Murray Improving Low-Cost Sensor Data Accuracy for Air Quality Monitoring
Nicole Juby Nathan Lovejoy Molecular Evolution of Hypoxia Tolerance hif1ab in Neotropical Knifefishes
Randy Ai Frank Wania Do Banana Imports Introduce the Fungicide Chlorothalonil into Canada
Sana Hashim Yuhong He Monitoring Vegetation Greenness and Species Diversity in Post-Rehabilitated Ecosystems Using UAVs
Shahd Daoud Sandy Smith Reproductive Life-History Traits and Oviposition Behaviour of the Classical Biological Control Agent Archana neurica
Tabris Cao Matthew Osmond Using Ancestral Recombination Graphs to Determine Spatial Genetic History of Gentoo Penguins
Yash Kumar Singhal John Stinchcombe Lobed Leaves Stay Cool Despite Lower Stomatal Conductance: A Tale of Clubs and Spades
Yijin Zhang Carl Mitchell Characterization and Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species in Wetland Rhizosphere